GuyExpo 2011 a huge success

By Michael Younge

Three days after the Caribbean’s largest exposition and trade show was officially launched, scores of exhibitors and hundreds of Guyanese are hailing the event a success, while noting improvements in several respects.

Speaking with this publication, several exhibitors disclosed that, not only are they surprised by the overwhelming consumer response, but are securing greater clientele and recording a greater volume of business through the trade show and exposition.

Princess International Hotel Sales Manager Nadine Hing has lauded the staging of this year’s GuyExpo, and noted that persons visiting the booth are responding favourably to the services and exhibits on display. ” They have been coming to the expo and visiting our booth in their numbers. We are heartened by the response and the continuous queries about our hotel, restaurant and casino,” Hing said.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Guyana Arts and Craft Producers Association President Denzil Washington, who confirmed that the response from the Guyanese public was admirable. Washington said each night the crowd is getting larger and larger, and persons continue to be enthused by the various products on dis play.

“I must say we did lots of work this year. We came big. We came different, with better packaging and labelling, which means our products are ready to go and be given as gifts or mini tokens. The response is nothing short of excellent”, Washington stated.

Meanwhile, Global Technology’s managerial representatives have also deemed the general staging of GuyExpo an overall success. The company launched its new line of Apple products and gadgets at the expo, along with a new form of technology, dubbed “ICLOUD”. Global Technology is satisfied with the response so far from patrons who have visited the expo to familiarise themselves with the new prod ucts and the continuous packages which the education facility has been offering the public.

Guyanese are also satisfied with the general organisation of the expo this year, and have congratulated the organisers for finally effecting positive change to the once “callous traffic congestion” that ensued in previous expositions at the Sophia Exhibition site. “I more than happy, cause I had no hassle to get into de expo dis year. I glad they work it out. Me and meh children get more time to spend and look around. I think GuyExpo real good this time round”, Mandy Smith, a participant, told Guyana Times International in an invited comment.

Others were intrigued by the Tourism Booth and the atmosphere, as well as new the ambience of the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation Booth.

“Whoever do New GPC Booth do it good! The products are well displayed and the sales people very knowledgeable. I think I gon buy some more Limacol or Ferrol”, another participant, Kim Singh, explained.

Generally, the entertainment and cultural performances staged between Friday and Saturday evening have been good.

Guyanese seemed to have been dazzled and understandably surprised when local artistes and performers brought their all to the stage on Friday with a sizzling mixture of creativity, talent, versatility and positive vibes.

GuyExpo continues to receive accolades from overseas- based Guyanese and other tourists, who are surprised at the quality and standards of products manufactured and produced in Guyana. “I only (just) returned home and I am surprised with the transformation and chang es that have taken place in my hometown. I never knew so many good things were happening in Guyana.

“I am shocked because I have witnessed quite the opposite tonight than what I was led to believe,” Billy Kwanza, an overseas- based Guyanese remarked.

It is estimated that more than 150,000 Guyanese would have visited the international trade fair and exposition during the first three nights. This means that the estimates given initially by the Tourism, Industry and Commerce Ministry have been surpassed.

GuyExpo 2011 also saw participation of more local and regional companies, ranging from tourism and investment bodies to research entities and large conglomerates.

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